duminică, 22 martie 2009


Acesta este un film facut de userul patriot “Vyckeu” (http://www.youtube.com/user/Vyckeu) de pe YouTube, care a folosit muzica de la serialul “Dallas” pentru a prezenta lumea extremistilor maghiari de pe YouTube. Introducerea este urmata de imagini de pe canalele acestor extremisti, care se considera mari luptatori pentru o cauza “dreapta”, fiind de fapt doar niste inculti care isi iau informatii de pe http://www.hunmagyar.org/ si astfel de site-uri.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzk4Xi3u57w&feature=related Asta e filmul

Acestea sunt niste linkuri la canalele unora dintre acesti extremisti, care sunt “interesante” si pentru ca puteti gasi multe filme iredentiste, care va pot umple de scarba sau va pot cauza mult amuzament, asta pana ajungeti la momentul in care va dati seama ca sunt nebuni de legat, dar din pacate in lumea de zi cu zi par normali, de aceea nu sunt arestati :


Cateva citate de pe canalele lor :

"Forever hungarian lands!:- Transylvania (Erdély)- Felvidék- Vajdaság- Csángóföld- Székelyföld- Kárpátalja- stb."

"I hate those people, (mainly the rumanians, but also the serbs and slovaks) who lie about our history and about everything that is hungarian. They hate us and hate the hungarians who live in their countries, but only because they know that they stole a lot of territories from us in trianon. They think that Transylvania is their land, but the truth is that they started to immigrate in Transylvania only in the XIII. century 3 hundreds years after us and they got lands for free from the hungarian kings and landholders because we needed peasents after the tartars. They wandered to their present territories from the balkans, their religion is from the balkans too and their relatives still live in the balkans. Unfortunately by now they have infested the stolen territories very much and they oppress the hungarians who live there, but those hungarians have been living there for approximately 1100 years but some experts claim that much longer. I wish autonomy for Transylvania and especially for North Transylvania where the most hungarians live, but also for Délvidék ( serbia ) and Felvidék ( slovakia )."